Propaganda & Mass Persuasion: 02/26/2006 - 03/05/2006

Saturday, March 04, 2006

Wartime, Precision Bombing Will Win The War

I read Wartime chapter two, Precision Bombing Will Win The War. It was an intersting read. Knowing and learning that the United States went to precision bombing in a hope that that will win the war for them. The weapon used for precision bombing was a B-17 Flying Fortress, known to be the best and most powerful bomber ever built! This was true because this particular bomber was built and equipped with an incredibly accurate Norden bomb sight, which hits a twenty five foot circle from twenty thousand feet.
Safety was stessed to the bombers when operating this piece of macinery. Since the height was so vast the bomber crews were able to go out and perform bombing raids in broad daylight. It was able to do this with great margin for safety than any other bomber made at that time. Other bombers back then proved to be extremely inaccurate. When other bombers went out only one in ten bombers came within five miles of his target.
Alot of people thought that bombing alone could win the war. Like Sir Arthur Harris, head of RAF Bomber Command felt that bombing alone could defeat Germany. General Spaatz was another one who felt this. He said that "Bombing can reduce to the point of surrender any first-class nation now in existence, within six months..." Some bombing efforts didn't turn out the way the allies might of hope. In the operation COBRA which was the code name for the air assault that was suppossed to break up German ground troops on the Normany beach head near Saint-Lo. The operation was suppossed to weaken the German defenders and have the allied powers march foward against them with great ease. It turned out to be a disaster. The bombing through a communication foul up the bombing took place a day before it was suppossed to take place. And the raid killed twenty five Americans and wounded one hundred and thirty one. The next day when the operation presumed it was even worse. This time one hundred and eleven men were killed, including Lt. General Lesley McNair, who was observing from a forward position. And almost five hundred wounded this time around. Nevertheless after COBRA General Eisenhower said never again would their be air raids to assist ground troops. Precision bombing taught both sides that who ever made the most mistakes bombing from the sky would lose the war.

Thursday, March 02, 2006

Do Your Best.. And Be At Your Best

In this article, it talks on advertising Listerine Antiseptic. That America needs people to be strong, and by using this it will help with your health. It also says to eat good foods, dress nice, and get a lot of sleep. To care about yourself, and for your country. You need to be happy, and smile to help keep people through the time of war. The ads states to stay healthy you should use Listerine Antiseptic for oral hygiene. It talks about being able to play and have fun while you work. To go out , have fun and play. They want people to be able to stay happy, and cheerful. The ad wants people to go out, have fun and be happy because this will help them to stay healthy and be able to work. This ad is a way to help people buy war bonds. On the bottom of the article it has a small caption stating that because of war restrictions you might not always be able to get the Listerine in the size bottle you may want but, they will try to have some size available to you to buy. This shows that they want people to buy the Listerine and in their favorite size which might be a big size which might cost more money, but, they also state that they will try to have some listerine in stock but it might not be the favorite size that you might want. They do these ads to help with the war and that way they will buy products and war bonds to help out with the economy while the war is going on.

After Hours

This article shows and talks about women doing advertisments. In this one it shows women working while the war is going on. The women are working hard to help out while the men are off at war. They talk about working but at the end of the day when your done with work to relax and have fun. This ad is saying to feel good and have beauty to especially smile. To smile bright, and with that you will warm hearts. The ad is promoting sparkiling teeth, with healthy gums. In order to have that you need to buy "Ipana and massage". It not only cleans the teeth but massages as well to make gums firm. It states that by buying this product it will give you firmer gums, brighter teeth, and a great smile. They are doing this so people buy products, and buy more war bonds. They want people to help out during the war and buy the products they are advertising and to buy war bonds.

Remembering Rosie

In this article, it talks about the World War II and how she is a child whose parents lives were shaped and changed by the war. She also talks about how she was a child growing up in the ninteen sixties. She goes on to say about the bombing of Hiroshia and Nagaskai. Lastly, she goes on about the changing roles of women during World War II. A war adveristing council created ads to promote women to enter the work force and armed force during the war. It goes on to talk about magazines and how they supported "womanpower" campaigns especially since its audience was female. Magazines also took control in anticipating the need for daycare centers.Companies were devoting their advertistment on household appliances. One for instance was, a eureka vacuum was an example of showing women's war work.Women were as well doing male jobs such as working at Wayne gas and Kelly Tires. The film "Rosie The Riviter" talks about women during the war. It shows ad campigns showing women outside the home, working in the labor force, and taking over males jobs. Women took over during the war, they needed to open up a daycare center while they went off for the day to work. Women finally got the oppotunity to be able to be outside the home and work and some women even did male jobs such as working on planes. This helped to change the role of women allowing them to work in the outside world. Most of the women in the film enjoyed working outside the home. It was definitly a time of change for women during World War II

In Wartime by Paul Fussell, Type-Casting seem to be the more interesting chapter. In Type-Casting I thought it was absurd that the soldierly imagination categorized people in four different ways which were:

  1. Female ( mothers, sisters, grandmothers ect.) this was agents of sexual solace.
  2. Ederly men who runs the draft boards
  3. The infantine
  4. The physically unfit.

I personally think that people should not be categorized as well as the solders do not have the authority to do such thing.

Wartime "Type-casting"

We read on page 116 third paragraph some of the reasons why Americans didn't like the Japanese. " Americans detested the Japanese the most, for only they had had the effrontery to attack the United States directly, sinking ships, killing sailors, and embarrassing American pretense to alertness and combat adequacy. They must be animals to behave thus, and cruel ones at that." " A rumor popular during the war told of a mother receiving a letter from her soldier son in a Japanese POW camp. He tells her that he is well and surviving OK and not to worry, and he adds that she might like to soak off the stamp on the envelope to give to a friend who's a collector. When she does so, she finds written under the stamp, 'THEY HAVE CUT OUT MY TONGUE. ' "(pg 119 2nd par.) We also read how a United States marine name Sledge "once encountered a group of dead marines whose bodies had been defiled, one man's penis having been sliced off and inserted in his mouth, another man's head and hands having been chopped off." (pg 119 last sentence) Here are some examples of why Americans would think of Japanese as animals. The government would want this this type of information also to be published by the media, because it would be showing what type of animals and savages they are fighting.

Wartime "Precision Bombing"

In the first paragraph (pg 13) we read, " This misapprehension had been in large part promoted by the American government itself. Witness a popular official pamphlet designated the bomber as The Weapon of Ultimate Victory. It bears no date, but insisting that ' America cannot lose this war! ' " What was the governments reasoning for saying that we cannot lose this war? Was it because once we entered, we had to show and prove we were superior. Another reason the government might have said that, was because it was already involved financially and now it became a special interest to the government and the economy.

women and propaganda

i found it be interesting how women were used in the war in effort. and i say used because women didnt have many rights and they were looked upon as meek and frail, not fit for battle. it was very interesting the propaganda that was used to employ women for the armed force use on the homefront. the packet appealed to emotion. women and children being tortured by the enemy. i think the main point here is that whereas in these advertisements, women were made to look strong but after the end of the war, thing returned to normal or worse. women were housewives and sex symbols.

Women at work

During World War One, women volunteered for essential work in order to release men to go into the armed forces. Some years later, as World War Two came the need for women to volunteer to work in jobs that were made for men was even grader and harder for women to work in, but theysome how made it work. they did not even conplaning of hard work they just did it to be able to to put food on the table.

Wednesday, March 01, 2006

"What Did You Do Today...For Freedom"

This whole packet that has the picture of the fallen soldier on the cover focuses mostly on the war effort back home. The advertisements target mostly the women and children by telling them what is expected of them and that everyone needs to do their part for the war. It also talks how the little things like making sure there is enough leisure time, as well as other activities, helps the troops that are over on the war front somehow. The advertisements talk about how buying bonds and stamps will help the war effort as well and say that you aren't American if you don't buy these bonds and stamps to help out the boys on the front. I can see how buying liberty bonds would help the troops because the bonds raised money for supplies and I believe that it was very smart to put wanted ads in along with advertisements for daily items used in the house. I think that these tactics used in advertisement definetly helped the war effort back during that time. In modern times thankfully we have armed forces that are ready to protect us and we are willing to go on with our daily lives without almost any change.

Tuesday, February 28, 2006

The birth of the CPI U.S. Committee on Public Information established by President Woodrow Wilson in April 1917, one week after the U.S. declared war on Germany and entered the First World War. The CPI was created as a propaganda bureau intended to mobilize and channel popular enthusiasm essentially, to drum up support for the war effort.

Monday, February 27, 2006

What Have I Done Today For Freedom?

It seems to me that successful propaganda, mostly propaganda that sends us to war, has a tendency to say "if you're not with us, you're against us." In the WWI packet, the first page asks the reader to ask themselves what he or she did has done for freedom. Instead of even justifying the war, the government skips over the possibility that the reader is questioning the war and instead instructs the reader that he or she could be doing more to help the nation while it is at war.
By saying such things as "this war is for democracy," the government has the ability to make citizens against the war appear anti-democratic. Even in a situation such as Iraq today, the government can still justify the occupation by saying "it no longer matters why we went in there in the first place, we are there now and we must see it through to the end."
"Freedom," and "Democracy" are ideals that cannot be argued against in our nation. They have broad definitions and can be used for the wrong reasons. These words justify war and occupations.

Can the Use of History in Propaganda Prevent Progress?

"Just as the servicewoman represented civilian patriotism, so did the housewife, both historical and contemporary, stand for what made America strong: the family. Viewing history as a linear progression, propgandists during the war located the family in a specific historical context that encompassed both the essentialist belief in a woman's biological destiny to be wife/mother and the protrait of America as advancing force of civilization." (Remembering Rosie, pg 100)

Propaganda was used thoroughly to break women into the workforce when it was needed during wartime, however, recalling the Victorian idea of the Republican Mother, propaganda was utilized at the end of the war to put women back in the home and resume their function as consumers (although first and foremost caretakers/homemakers) rather than earners.

What are the implications of utilizing ideologies of eras gone by? Does propaganda truly have the power to prevent progress? By focusing on women as Republican Mothers, and intending to revert these newly independent women back to this ideal, don't women take a step back before moving forward for equal rights? Could propaganda such as this be at least partly responsible for the still present inequalities between men and women?


CPI: “Committee on Public Information, was established under President Woodrow Wilson as an independent agency by Executive order 2594, April 13, 1917. Consisted of George Creel (Chairman) and Secretaries of State (Robert Lansing), War (Lindley M. Garrison), and the Navy (Josephus Daniels) as ex officio members.—wikipedia”

Gorge Creel: Investigative Reporter, writer

OWI: “The United States Office of War Information (OWI) was a U.S. government agency created during World War II to consolidate government information services. Besides coordinating the release of war news for domestic use, the office established an overseas branch which launched a huge information and propaganda campaign abroad.—wikipedia”

Elmer Davis: Journalist, famous Broadcast Reporter at the same level as Edward R. Murrow


From the Magazine division of Office of War Information, Washington

This is the instruction for editors about how to make use of every woman in the war. Dorothy Ducas stated clearly about how to activate women at home to work for the war.
At the end of this section, Ducas offered the contact information of her colleague who will be the one helping magazines to set up standard story line.
She even offered her suggestion about what kind of picture should be used for covers for July. That actually could be part of the massive propaganda at that time. Maybe at that time, government was about to do a campaign about women working for the War.
(Special suggestion for editors of Women’s and Home Magzines)
She suggests magazines to cooperate with the persuasion about women working at a war job and taking care of her family as well. She believe the next step, after all the preparation, should be editorials—the most direct way to do the plain moralizer persuasion.

Sunday, February 26, 2006

The House Of Truth, Four Minute Men

I was reading a portion of the House of Truth and showed great interest in the Four Minute Men. The organization that President Wilson and George Creel created. They would choose local community leaders, business and professional men to promote the war in Europe on a weekly basis. The local community leaders would be men of influence that could speak and people would listen to them. They would get influenced and began to back the war, exactly what Creel and Wilson wanted. They also created branches from their brainchild. Junior Four Minute Men and Colored Four Minute Men. The Junior Four Minute Men would target children in schools in a hope that the message would get sent home with the children and be discussed with their parents. The colored Four Minute Men would target the African American race. All and all the Four Minute Men was a genius idea and it influenced alot of people to stand behind the war instead of being against it.