Propaganda & Mass Persuasion: Josh Rushing

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Josh Rushing


Josh Rushing first enlisted in the Marine’s in 1990 and completed his basic training in San Diego.  In 1991, he was chosen for public affairs and attended Defense Information School where he was selected to complete Marine Enlisted Commissioning Education Program at the University of Texas at Austin where he became a commissioned officer and completed a dual degree in Ancient History and Classic Civilization. This was completed in 1999.

After graduation, he moved to Virginia where he became a mustang which is a term used in the United States Armed Forces to describe a commission officer who began his career as an enlisted service member. Due to hearing loss he was unable to complete flight school, which was a dream of his. This is what lead him to move forward in public affairs.

Rushng reported to Marine Corps Air Station in San Diego, California. Rushing moved to Los Angeles in 2002 where he represented the Marine Corps in Hollywood in the Marine Corps Motion Picture and Television Liaison Office. This all lead to the film we watched in class, Control Room. This documentary was seen at the Sundance Film Festival in 2004.

What caused Rushing to leave?

The Pentagon ordered Rushing to not comment on the film after its release.
The Pentagon turned down dozens of requests for interviews with me — from Fox News to NPR — and I was ordered to keep silent about the movie and my views on Al Jazeera. That edict felt like a betrayal of the very civic values — standing up for what one believes is right, true, and honest — that had led me into the Marine Corps in the first place. To do nothing would advance my career aspirations in the military but hardly serve America’s best interests. In the fall of 2004, after 14 years in the Corps, I resigned my commission. Six months later, I signed on to help launch Al Jazeera English.” 

Where is Rushing now?


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