Propaganda & Mass Persuasion: Down Right Lies

Wednesday, February 04, 2009

Down Right Lies

Upon being sent to Cuba to illustrate Spanish barbarianism in Cuba, Frederick Remington writes: "Everything is quiet. There is no trouble here. There will be no war. Wish to return. Remington". (Primary Documents: Imperialism and the Spanish American War).

Following this statement is an article from the New York World entitled "Blood, blood, blood!” In the article are statements such as "blood on the roadsides, blood in the fields, blood on the doorsteps, blood, blood, blood!" which depicts horrible circumstances of Spanish ruled Cuba. If this is not fact and Cuba as Remington says is "quiet" then how could the writer tell a down right lie or a fictional story? Where do morals come into play in this type of journalism?

One of the first things we learn as children is that it’s not right to lie. I believe most people carry on this simple moral code through their adulthood. With that said, how could literature such as "blood, blood, blood!" be accepted or even published when it is attempting to convince people to be pro war based on non factual reporting. In the land of justice it certainly seems like some things have been over looked.


Blogger A. Mattson said...

Remember, the Remington/Hearst exchange is probably just a tall tale. There is no evidence it ever really happened. That said, perhaps it speaks to a larger truth about the power of the press during wartime. Still, were all of the bloody accounts of Spanish atrocities the real, primary cause of the war? Or were there deeper causes?

2/10/2009 12:31 AM  

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