Arabic Stations Compete for Attention
Arabic Stations
Compete for Attention
by Neil MacFarquhar
Against the backdrop of the real
war, another battle was shaping amongst the Arabic-speaking world of television
broadcasters for an audience addicted to news. During that time Aljazeera was
the news station that dominated against the smaller and newer channels that
were challenging its grip on Arab viewers. Aljazeera was a satellite station
based in Qatar, and its broadcast had far more graphic pictures than any other
Many critics argued that Aljazeera
was affecting the Arab’s public opinion to a degree never reached before. Sawsan
Shair (as probably many others), said that when she wanted to drown out harsh
reality she would tune into the pro-American Kuwait channel, but when she
wanted her blood pressure to go up, she would then watch Aljazeera, because
they always inserted their point of view.
Arabic networks were sympathetic to
the Americans call of conflict of war for liberation. In the other hand,
Aljazeera called it an invasion. They had fewer interviews if any with Iraqis
happy to see Americans. Aljazeera reported that American officials “claim”
while Iraqis officials “say”. Some viewers complained that Aljazeera rarely
mentions Iraqi military casualties.
Then in the Aljazeera network if
the anchor was interviewing a person and this person did not agree with their
point of view, he would cut him off the air. An example given in the article
was when a figure of Iraqi opposition tried to say that all the violence going
on was a legacy of Saddam Hussein’s decades of tyranny. The general manager
of Aljazeera said that they were not with or against any party or any country.
The Abu Dhabi TV was another
satellite channel that sometimes got the latest news before Aljazeera, which
made some viewers turn back and forth between both channels. The difference
from Abu Dhabi TV and Aljazeera is that the anchor from Abu Dhabi TV rarely
interrupts speakers and its promotional slogan is “On the Front Line” compared
with Aljazeera’s “War in Iraq”.
The Western networks have largely
avoided showing the gruesome scenes of Iraqi civilian casualties, focusing more
on military hardware and analysis. However, Arab viewers particularly accused
them for fielding many correspondents lacking any sense of religion.
to the article, the Aljazeera station comes under harsh criticism from Arab
governments. In Syria, the government views Aljazeera as insufficiently
antiwar. “They may speak Arabic, but they are not reporting from an Arab
perspective that takes a clear stand against the war” said Buthaina Shaaban,
director of foreign media at he Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
The impact that these networks have
in the Arab populations is huge. Arab viewers can be fiercely partisan. After
watching pictures of their country being bombed, some Iraqis decide to return
and fight despite their dislike of Saddam Hussein. Some Iraqis became
overwhelmed by anger when they saw reports of civilians that were killed. In
the West Bank and the Gaza Strip, Palestinians identify with the Iraqis because
they too have been attacked with a vast arsenal of American-made weapons. In
Ramallah, protesters chanted against a new Dubai-based network for reporting
that reflected the initial American line that the Iraqi government was
collapsing. The Arab networks mostly accepted the American military version of
the events at first, but suspicions grew after word came out that some
officials were killed but it proved untrue.
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