"Rosie the Riveter"

In Maureen Henry's "Creating Rosie the riveter", she expresses her belief that the end of the war precipitated an abrupt change in women's images. Leila Rupp disagrees with the notion and conclude that
"although the media attention to working women was unprecedented in scope during WWII, fundamental changes in attitudes toward women did not occur as a result of the emergency...the new image did not mean that the ideal American woman had changed way beyond recognition. beneath her begrimed exterior, she remained very much a traditional woman."
I agree with Rupp's notion that the ideal woman did not change after the war because if you think about it, yes they were doing men's jobs, yes they were doing things that American society didn't think they were capable of doing, but all the while they were still cooking for their household, cleaning and keeping the home stable. They still had to do the stereotypical things that America wanted them to do. the things they felt were there duty to do. There was no one to take their place when they took the place of the men who went to war so they had to do both and once the war was over majority of them went right back to doing the same things. They fell back into the "housewife" role. They went back to the lower paying jobs too while other protested and felt that they had over come something the object of them being a woman was still clear ad the stereotypes still remained the same. Yeah it was proven that they could do the same work as the men, even better than the men, but America wasn't ready to accept that as a new meaning of being a woman.
A good discussion of the material.
The war did help begin to open doors for women in the world of work, just not in at a fast or revolutionary pace. Gender roles take generations to change. War can speed up the process but the backlash after the war seemed to set back the clock.
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