Propaganda & Mass Persuasion: House of Truth?

Monday, February 26, 2007

House of Truth?

As learned from and discussed thus far in this class, it is difficult to find an objective propagandist. In "House of Truth" the author writes, "The unprecedented creation of the CPI-a comprehensive propaganda bureau inteded to mobilize and channel popular enthusiasm-reflected a general awareness of "public opinion" among business and political elites in the United States during this disquieting period." If the author of this passage's goal was to be objective, his rhetoric along accomplished that feat. The words used in this one sentence attest to the fact that subjectivity and personal opinion were not present. Words such as 'comprehensive-whole', 'intended to mobilize-meant to move', the use of quotes around "public opinion" all are used with intent to sell the author's view. Simply put, the rhetoric that is used in propaganda is used for a purpose, an intent to subconciously, as well as conciously, shape the readers' view on a given matter.


Blogger A. Mattson said...

A good post.

You are correct, propagandists are rarely objective. A propagandist represents one side in a debate. The goal is to shape the behavior of the target audience. Facts can be used to give the appearance of objectivity even while trying to persuade. The CPI claimed to be about facts and information, but images and emotions were its most powerful weapon of persuasion.

2/26/2007 10:57 PM  

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