Propaganda & Mass Persuasion: War--popular cullture?

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

War--popular cullture?

"Popular culture --The opposite of high cultural art forms, such as the opera, historic art, classical music, traditional theater or literature; popular culture includes many forms of cultural communication including newspapers, television, advertising, comics, pop music, radio, cheap novels, movies, jazz, etc. In the beginning of the 20th Century, "high art" was the realm of the wealthy and educated classes while popular culture or "low art" was considered commercial entertainment for the lower classes. In the 1950s and 60s the gulf between high and low art closed with the rise of Pop Art." (

When we talk about war, we can't neglect the huge propaganda project which combines almost all medium forms that are also elements of pop culture. meanwhile, war attracts national or even global acceptance or at least attention the whole way long. For this sense, war can be defined as popular culture. but they are definitely more complicated and sophisticated than we usually think pop culture will be, because the way towards this destination--propaganda asva scientific system plays such an crucial role. And, its cost and possible potential profit can be extraodinary.

For the home front, viewing human devastation as populaer entertainment becomes real in war time. and "the so-called war potato thus seems to be the perfect example of the cultural dupe who is brainwashed by a medium that follows the White House public relations agenda."
War makes people stupid because it encourages people to minimize the independent thought and action central to a democracy. (Couch Potatoes Aren't Dupes, Constance Penley and Andrew Ross) since government controls the whole access to information, therefore, public perception on war can only be within the framework and mold that are already preset by the government. and the rhetoric of the governmemt makes people feel especially closely related to the war itself. war becomes a kind of brand that actually people participate symbolically in it. all the products they produce or consume are all with the label of this world famous brand name. war earns the winning part tremenous market that can function well under energetic political economy system.


Blogger A. Mattson said...

A thoughtful post. I agree with Roth and Penley. War seems to inspire stupidity on all sides. The media does not trick us into supporting war it merely reflects and amplifies our own hopes and fears.

Can we say that a war can be branded an sold like a can of peas? Advertising metaphors are popular with propagandists who have been talking about "selling war" since at least WWI. Are Penley and Ross telling us that war makes us stupid and easier to sell to?

4/06/2006 12:06 AM  

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