Stewart Ewen; a review from my desk

"Iraq and a hard place" as Stewart Ewen put it, would have been one of the best propaganda slogans of the entire desert storm operation. Mr. Ewen points out in this article that unlike any war before this one, more and more critics, authors, analysts and just everyday people formed opinions on the war based on the 24 hour coverage that proceeded it. Although it is important today to point out that much of what we saw was censored by the military and the government. Stewart Ewen also points out how President Bush was an important figure head for the propaganda layed out to the people. Careful planning went into every word of his speeches. His closest associates and advisers helped create an image to the American people that would hopefully propel us to believe in our cause like during the times of World War II. It is in this important time period of mass media that constant news coverage coupled with clever slogans like The Butcher of Baghdad would lead the U.S people to the conclusions our elected officials believed we should have. Essentially censoring our ability to obtain our own true opinions. In Stewart Ewen's article "War in the Persian Gulf: A report from the couch." He clearly lays out just how American sentiment towards the first war in the gulf was in a crafty slogan of his own. Our opinions were formed from the couches and dinner tables of our homes. These opinions were carefully guided by our elected officials, and argueably still carrie's on today.
A good discussion. Next time break your post up into shorter paragraphs.
Ewen is giving the adminstration and the media a lot of power to shape opinions. Does the president actually have that much control over public opinion about the war? Are carefully crafted speeches enough to "guide our thoughts"?
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