Dangers of Cultural Invasion? By Mustafa Mahmoud

Dangers of Cultural Invasion?
By Mustafa Mahmoud
“It was not long ago that colonial powers came to take spices, slaves, gold and mineral ores, draining our resources and occupying our land. Now they are returning with considerable cunning to occupy our minds by different means, through science, technology, economy, art and philosophy.”
Mahmoud states how the world he lives in is still being subjugated and taken over, just like during the way it was dating back to the Crusades. Except now, the pillaging and occupying is done through subterfuge. That the press plays a great part in it, and how 65% of the world’s news comes from the United States. How the ideals of the western worlds (whether it is the United States or others like France) ideals are being forced on the people in the Middle East, and Africa.
By Mustafa Mahmoud
“It was not long ago that colonial powers came to take spices, slaves, gold and mineral ores, draining our resources and occupying our land. Now they are returning with considerable cunning to occupy our minds by different means, through science, technology, economy, art and philosophy.”
Mahmoud states how the world he lives in is still being subjugated and taken over, just like during the way it was dating back to the Crusades. Except now, the pillaging and occupying is done through subterfuge. That the press plays a great part in it, and how 65% of the world’s news comes from the United States. How the ideals of the western worlds (whether it is the United States or others like France) ideals are being forced on the people in the Middle East, and Africa.
Mahmoud compares the conquests and wars of the first crusade to the “war” today. Except this war is not being done with guns, knives, or bombs this war is being perpetrated through propaganda and money. How the Western World is dominating the rest of the world through the press, through offers of loans, grants and foreign aid. That the West has the same goal they had hundreds or even thousands of years ago, to eradicate the rest of the worlds different culture, identity, traditions, and liberate their resources, except this time their just doing it through technology and money.
Interesting material.
There are some sweeping claims here. Choose one aspect and analyze it. It is true that the flow of global news and information is dominated by western and U.S. news media. But the effects of that are complex. In some ways it does represent cultural imperialism on the other hand, the information and news spread by the Western media is often far superior factually than tha state controlled media of many nations.
The conclusion that "That the West has the same goal they had hundreds or even thousands of years ago, to eradicate the rest of the worlds different culture, identity, traditions" would have to be supported with a lot of evidence. What evidence is there for a Western conspiracy to "eradicate" world cultures?
I dont actually agree with this concept, or find it having much of a foundation. I was just trying to reiterate what Mustafa Mahmoud was saying in the article he wrote.
If anything I believe the opposite, we are not trying to obliterate other cultures, if anything we accept them openly in America. (Aside from a racist minority)
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