Propaganda & Mass Persuasion: About the Cartoon: Some questions from a Chinese Christian to other Christians here in the United States

Saturday, February 11, 2006

About the Cartoon: Some questions from a Chinese Christian to other Christians here in the United States

About the Cartoon: Some questions from a Chinese Christian to Christians here in the United States
Question One: Is it true that there is but only one God?
Question Two: Do you believe we should love our neighbors like ourselves?
Question Three: Do you know Muslims take Jesus as a prophet of God?
Question Four: Do you know that Muslims also believe there is but only one God?
Question Five: Do you think we should Turn THE OTHER CHEEK WHEN WE WERE HURT?
Question Six: Did Jesus ever say his apostles should overthrow the Romans or other governments?
Do you really know a Muslim in real life?

I just cannot understand why we should be so different from each other.
When I was still in China, there is literally not much difference among Protestants, but when I cam here to this country—the land of the free and the home of the brave, all of the sudden, there were so many denominations existing at the same time.
In China, we do not even mention much about the difference between Protestantism and Catholicism.
When I was in China, I had many Muslim friends; we shared our experience together; we encouraged each other to be more faithful to our God. We talked about each other’s belief and we even prayed together. We were all believers in an atheism-dominated county.
However, when I came here, the social environment is so different.
Isn’t this a country that encourages people to love each other?
If we think we are unique; if we think we are different, maybe we should give other people the freedom to be different from us.

Turn the other cheek:
Some Knowledge about Islam:


Blogger A. Mattson said...

This is a hard post to comment on. You are raising important questions, but they are not really related to the topic of the course. Religous tolerance and mutual respect is an important part of American culture and it is a part of many peoples lives. On the other hand, we have our share of bigots and religous fanatics as well. It is difficult to generalize based on one person's experiences.
Your sentiments are strong and they are shared by many people in many lands.

2/14/2006 1:07 AM  

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